The exclusive remedy provisions of the Illinois Workers' Compensation Act (Act)—820 ILCS 305/5(a), 11— do not extend to a general contractor who paid workers’ c...
IL Contractor Who Provides Coverage for Subcontractor’s Workers Not Immune From Suit IL Contractor Who Provides Coverage for Subcontractor’s Workers Not Immune From SuitCapping secondary mental impairment benefits—pursuant to NMSA 1978, Section 52-1-41(C)(2015)—to the number of weeks allowable for the worker’s original physical...
New Mexico Cannot Differentiate Between Secondary Mental Benefits and Secondary Physical Benefits New Mexico Cannot Differentiate Between Secondary Mental Benefits and Secondary Physical BenefitsRelying upon the “quasi-course of employment” concept set forth in Larson’s Workers’ Compensation Law, § 10.05, a division of the Court of Appeals of Colorado a...
Colorado Court Says Injuries Sustained En Route to Medical Appointment Not Always Compensable Colorado Court Says Injuries Sustained En Route to Medical Appointment Not Always CompensableStressing that the focus of the personal comfort doctrine was to determine if an employee’s actions occurred during the course of the employment, the Court of A...
Establishing “Personal Comfort” Activity Is Only Half the Battle, says OR Court Establishing “Personal Comfort” Activity Is Only Half the Battle, says OR CourtIllustrating that it is for the New York Workers’ Compensation Board to weigh the evidence, even when that evidence has been presented to a law judge hearing th...
NY Court Affirms Award for Flight Attendant’s Allergy to Uniforms NY Court Affirms Award for Flight Attendant’s Allergy to UniformsYesterday, the Supreme Court of New Jersey, reversing a decision of the Superior Court, Appellate Division [see 466 N.J. Super. 160, 245 A.3d 1019 (App. Di...
NJ Librarian’s Parking Lot Injuries When Struck by Snowplow are Compensable NJ Librarian’s Parking Lot Injuries When Struck by Snowplow are CompensableApplying the personal comfort doctrine [see Larson’s Workers’ Compensation Law, § 21.01, et seq.], pursuant to which small, temporary departures from work to ad...
PA Court Agrees Injuries Were Compensable under Personal Comfort Doctrine PA Court Agrees Injuries Were Compensable under Personal Comfort DoctrineIn early January, one can reliably count on at least two things: first, that we’ll be bombarded by television commercials hawking diet aids, and second, that so...
The Case of the Missing Case The Case of the Missing CaseThe Supreme Court of Delaware affirmed the denial of workers’ compensation benefits to a courthouse employee who sustained injuries in a sinkhole accident near—...
Delaware High Court Says Sinkhole Injuries Were Not Compensable Delaware High Court Says Sinkhole Injuries Were Not CompensableIn a case involving an utterly bizarre fact pattern, as well as a legal battle stretching out over the bulk of a decade, the Supreme Court of California, in a 5...
Opinion Mondays: Is California’s “Posse Law” Passe? Opinion Mondays: Is California’s “Posse Law” Passe?A Pennsylvania WCJ need not consider non-work-related injury limitations that were the result of actions that occurred after the work-related injury as part of ...
Post-Injury Felony Conviction Not a Factor in Determining PA Employee’s Earning Power Post-Injury Felony Conviction Not a Factor in Determining PA Employee’s Earning PowerConstruing N.C. Gen. Stat. § 97-2(6), which defines “injury” to mean “only injury by accident arising out of and in the course of the employment” [emphasis adde...
NC Court Construes State’s “Injury by Accident” Requirement NC Court Construes State’s “Injury by Accident” Requirement