Public assistance benefits paid to participants in a New York work experience program (WEP) are “wages,” as that term is defined in the state’s Workers’ Compensation Law [N.Y. Workers’ Comp....
NY’s Public Assistance Benefits Are Wages for Purposes of Computing Loss of Use Award NY’s Public Assistance Benefits Are Wages for Purposes of Computing Loss of Use AwardIn a deeply divided (5-4) decision, the Supreme Court of Oklahoma recently held that a provision in the state’s workers’ compensation law [Okla. Stat. tit. 85A, § 89] allowing an...
Deeply Divided Oklahoma High Court Says Reduction of PPD Allowed Where Employer Paid Full Wages During Police Officer’s Disability Period Deeply Divided Oklahoma High Court Says Reduction of PPD Allowed Where Employer Paid Full Wages During Police Officer’s Disability PeriodDriver’s Mileage Reimbursement Did not Constitute “Wages” Reimbursement for mileage driven at rates established by the Internal Revenue Service is not “wages” as defined by Vt. Stat. Ann. tit. 21,...
Vermont “Volunteer” Driver for Transit Authority is not an Employee Vermont “Volunteer” Driver for Transit Authority is not an Employee