An Iowa appellate court affirmed a district court’s decision affirming the denial of death benefits to a widow whose husband committed suicide mere hours after he had been terminated from...
Iowa Court Affirms Denial of Death Benefits in Suicide Case Iowa Court Affirms Denial of Death Benefits in Suicide CaseThe Appellate Court of Connecticut affirmed an award of death benefits to the spouse of an employee who committed suicide following a work-related knee injury, finding that substantial evidence supported...
CT Court Affirms Death Benefits Award Following Suicide CT Court Affirms Death Benefits Award Following SuicideIn a case of first impression, the Supreme Court of New Hampshire, adopted the “chain-of-causation test” for suicides and affirmed a decision by the state’s Compensation Appeals Board (CAB) that...
New Hampshire High Court Adopts “Chain-of-Causation Test” for Suicides New Hampshire High Court Adopts “Chain-of-Causation Test” for SuicidesDecision is Consistent with Majority Rule In a holding that is consistent with the dominant rule among American jurisdictions, a Pennsylvania appellate court recently affirmed a Board decision that awarded...
PA Court: Carefully Planned Suicide Still Compensable PA Court: Carefully Planned Suicide Still CompensableA New York appellate court affirmed a decision by the state’s Workers’ Compensation Board that awarded death benefits to a surviving spouse following the suicide of her husband, who had...
NY Court Affirms Death Benefits Following Injured Worker’s Suicide NY Court Affirms Death Benefits Following Injured Worker’s SuicideA New York appellate court recently affirmed the findings of the state’s Workers’ Compensation Board that a police officer’s death, from an apparently self-inflicted gunshot wound was not a line-of-duty...
NY Court Affirms Denial of Death Benefits Following Police Officer’s Apparent Suicide NY Court Affirms Denial of Death Benefits Following Police Officer’s Apparent SuicideNebraska Worker’s Death From Apparent Suicide is Not Compensable In a case that is heartbreaking from multiple points of view, the family of an injured Nebraska employee was denied workers’...
Like Oil & Water, Oxycodone and Xanax Don’t Mix Like Oil & Water, Oxycodone and Xanax Don’t MixLast Thursday, a Washington state appellate court affirmed the dismissal of a civil action filed by a school custodian against her employer, a school district and its superintendent, alleging intentional...
Washington: School Custodian’s Tort Claim Against Employer for PTSD Resulting From Clean-up Duties Following Student’s Suicide Is Barred by Exclusivity Washington: School Custodian’s Tort Claim Against Employer for PTSD Resulting From Clean-up Duties Following Student’s Suicide Is Barred by ExclusivityIn a case with a number of interesting twists, the Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit recently affirmed a decision by a U.S. District Court that, in relevant part,...
D.C. Circuit Court: Personal Representative’s Civil Action Against Employer for Negligent Provision of Firearm to Suicide Victim/Employee May Not Proceed D.C. Circuit Court: Personal Representative’s Civil Action Against Employer for Negligent Provision of Firearm to Suicide Victim/Employee May Not Proceed