Tag: schedule

Sep 22, 2020

District of Columbia's Public Sector Comp Act Does Not Provide Schedule Benefits for PTSD

The District of Columbia Court of Appeals held that a public-sector employee may not recover schedule benefits for PTSD pursuant to D.C. Code § 1-623.07 (2016 Repl.) since that statute...

District of Columbia's Public Sector Comp Act Does Not Provide Schedule Benefits for PTSD District of Columbia's Public Sector Comp Act Does Not Provide Schedule Benefits for PTSD
Mar 2, 2020

NY Court Disapproves of Board’s “Virtual Banking” of Benefits Where Claimant Returns to Work at Preinjury Wages

Where a law judge found that an injured New York worker was entitled to a PPD classification based on impairments to her cervical and lumbar spine, entitling her to nonschedule...

NY Court Disapproves of Board’s “Virtual Banking” of Benefits Where Claimant Returns to Work at Preinjury Wages NY Court Disapproves of Board’s “Virtual Banking” of Benefits Where Claimant Returns to Work at Preinjury Wages