Acknowledging that one of the important factors to be considered in determining whether a worker is an independent contractor, rather than an employee, is whether the worker brings important “equipment”...
Idaho Court Says Bodies of Tandem Skydivers Are Not "Equipment" Idaho Court Says Bodies of Tandem Skydivers Are Not "Equipment"Stressing that under Georgia law, it is the right to control, not the actual exercise of that control, which determines whether the work relationship is one of employer and employee,...
Georgia Husband/Wife Driving Team Were Employees: Wife’s Tort Action Barred by Exclusivity Georgia Husband/Wife Driving Team Were Employees: Wife’s Tort Action Barred by ExclusivityWhere a chicken farm owner—who knew virtually nothing about raising chickens—exercised minimal control over an employee manager of the farm, yet Tyson Farms, Inc., which contracted with the farm owner...
MD Court Says Tyson Was Co-Employer of Worker at Uninsured Chicken Farm MD Court Says Tyson Was Co-Employer of Worker at Uninsured Chicken FarmConstruing the so-called “borrowed employee” doctrine, the Superior Court of Pennsylvania stressed that where a worker employed by one company is furnished by that company to perform work for another...
Pennsylvania Borrowed Employee May Not Sue Borrowing Employer In Tort Pennsylvania Borrowed Employee May Not Sue Borrowing Employer In TortA temporary staffing agency worker may not maintain a cause of action against a “borrowing employer” for personal injuries sustained in a work-related accident in spite of the fact that...
For Illinois “Borrowing Employer,” Exclusive Remedy Defense Not Tied to Payment of Insurance Premiums For Illinois “Borrowing Employer,” Exclusive Remedy Defense Not Tied to Payment of Insurance PremiumsCommentary: Is the Workers’ Compensation World Ready for Amazon’s New Package Delivery Business Model? The Answer Might Surprise You! As I drove to a meeting in downtown Durham a few...
Amazon’s New “Last-Mile” Delivery Service: Who “Employs” that Driver-Deliverer at Your Door? Amazon’s New “Last-Mile” Delivery Service: Who “Employs” that Driver-Deliverer at Your Door?CA Employers: Stock Up on Your W-2s; Recycle Your 1099s In a decision that continues California’s trend toward allowing the designation of a worker as an independent contractor only under...
California High Court Narrows Rule For Classification of Workers as Independent Contractors California High Court Narrows Rule For Classification of Workers as Independent ContractorsIn a split decision, the Supreme Court of South Carolina, reversing a majority decision by the state’s Court of Appeals, held that an exotic dancer was an employee—not an independent...
South Carolina Supreme Court Says Exotic Dancer Was an Employee of Nightclub South Carolina Supreme Court Says Exotic Dancer Was an Employee of NightclubDisruption Caused by Growth in Number of Temporary/Contingent Workers A few days ago, my close colleague, Robin Kobayashi, and I put the final touches on a new book, Workers’ Compensation...
Commentary: For Whom Are You Working? Ohio Court Creates Twilight Zone For Temporary Workers Commentary: For Whom Are You Working? Ohio Court Creates Twilight Zone For Temporary Workers