Where a Pennsylvania construction worker, who had been rendered a paraplegic in a compensable workplace injury, obtained a bona fide estimate indicating it woul...
PA Court: Employer Need Not Pay Estimated Cost of Modifying Paraplegic’s Current Home Toward Purchase of New Home PA Court: Employer Need Not Pay Estimated Cost of Modifying Paraplegic’s Current Home Toward Purchase of New HomeIt is one thing to modify an injured employee’s vehicle so as to accommodate his wheelchair or scooter. It is quite another to provide the employee with necessa...
Virginia Court Requires Insurer to Provide Transportation to Doctor’s Office In Spite of Fact That It Already Paid to Modify Vehicle Virginia Court Requires Insurer to Provide Transportation to Doctor’s Office In Spite of Fact That It Already Paid to Modify VehicleInstallation of a lift system to enable paraplegic to transfer to and from her wheelchair more safely and to live more independently were remodeling costs subje...
Minnesota: Costs to Modify Injured Worker’s Residence to Allow For Installation of Lift System Was Limited to Statutory Max of $60K Minnesota: Costs to Modify Injured Worker’s Residence to Allow For Installation of Lift System Was Limited to Statutory Max of $60K