A New York appellate court affirmed a decision by the state’s Workers’ Compensation Board that found a claimant had failed to provide the required written notice of injury to his...
Vague, Nonspecific Statements About Knee Pain Did Not Constitute Required Notice to New York Employer Vague, Nonspecific Statements About Knee Pain Did Not Constitute Required Notice to New York EmployerA New York appellate court, weighing conflicting medical evidence as to the causal connection, if any, between a business woman’s heart attack was causally connected to her employment, recently affirmed...
NY Hair Salon Owner Fails to Show Causal Connection Between Rude Customers and Her Heart Attack NY Hair Salon Owner Fails to Show Causal Connection Between Rude Customers and Her Heart AttackA New York appellate court affirmed a finding by the state’s Workers’ Compensation Board that a former fireman violated N.Y. Workers’ Comp. Law § 114-a when he represented in a...
Videotape Surveillance Dooms Former NY Firefighter’s Right to Continued Wage Replacement Benefits Videotape Surveillance Dooms Former NY Firefighter’s Right to Continued Wage Replacement BenefitsA New York claimant’s Application for Review was defective where she failed to provide any information in the box for question 13 of the RB-89 form, held a New York...
“Unlucky 13”: Failing to Answer Question on RB-89 Dooms NY Claimant’s Application for Board Review “Unlucky 13”: Failing to Answer Question on RB-89 Dooms NY Claimant’s Application for Board ReviewA New York appellate court held the state’s Workers’ Compensation Board could reasonably conclude that a claimant had not made false statements or other misrepresentations for the purpose of obtaining...
Injured Worker’s Failure to Mention Involvement in Side Business Did Not Result in Disqualification Injured Worker’s Failure to Mention Involvement in Side Business Did Not Result in DisqualificationPlaintiffs May Not Back Out Because They Didn’t Account for Workers’ Comp Lien and Medicare Set-Aside An open-court stipulation of settlement in a New York trial court is an independent...
Open Court Settlement Stipulation Binds Parties in NY Civil Action Open Court Settlement Stipulation Binds Parties in NY Civil ActionEmployee Had Clocked Out and Traveled Six Stops Toward His Home Where a New York City subway train cleaner clocked out at the end of his shift, left his assigned...
Assault on NYC Subway Employee Exiting Train Did Not Occur In Course of Employment Assault on NYC Subway Employee Exiting Train Did Not Occur In Course of EmploymentIn a decision that could have significant repercussions for a number of claimants under the New York Workers’ Compensation Law, a state appellate court affirmed a decision of the Workers’...
NY’s Medical Treatment Guidelines Apply to Out-of-State Providers Treating Nonresident Claimants NY’s Medical Treatment Guidelines Apply to Out-of-State Providers Treating Nonresident ClaimantsNo Compensation Benefits for Injuries Sustained in Accident A farm worker, who sustained serious injuries in a vehicular accident when he failed to yield the right of way to oncoming...
Farm Worker’s Quick Visit to See Girlfriend and Get Beer Was Unreasonable Deviation From Employment Farm Worker’s Quick Visit to See Girlfriend and Get Beer Was Unreasonable Deviation From EmploymentReiterating the important rule in New York, that where the availability of workers’ compensation benefits hinges upon questions of fact or upon mixed questions of fact and law, the parties...
New York: Board—Not the Trial Court—Must Determine if Worker Was Independent Contractor New York: Board—Not the Trial Court—Must Determine if Worker Was Independent ContractorIn Matter of Mitchell v. Eaton’s Trucking Serv., Inc., 2018 N.Y. App. Div. LEXIS 6806 (3rd Dept., Oct. 11, 2018), a New York appellate court affirmed a decision of the...
Affiliated NY Company Liable for Half of Driver’s Comp Benefits as Special Employer Affiliated NY Company Liable for Half of Driver’s Comp Benefits as Special EmployerAn employee, who sustained a shoulder injury as she reached out of her car window to scan her parking pass at a parking garage near her place of employment, did...
NY Employee’s Shoulder Injury While Scanning Parking Pass Not Compensable NY Employee’s Shoulder Injury While Scanning Parking Pass Not Compensable