A New York appellate court affirmed a trial court’s determination that there were issues of fact as to whether a defendant was the special employee of plaintiff’s employer so as...
NY Jury Must Consider Whether Defendant was Special Employee Entitled to Exclusive Remedy Defense NY Jury Must Consider Whether Defendant was Special Employee Entitled to Exclusive Remedy DefenseShowing just how serious New York courts take the issue of ex parte communications between counsel and medical experts, a New York appellate court recently affirmed an order by the...
Ex Parte Communications Sink NY Death Benefits Claim Ex Parte Communications Sink NY Death Benefits ClaimA New York appellate court affirmed a decision by the state’s Workers’ Compensation Board that not only imposed the mandatory penalty rescinding the claimant’s award of workers’ compensation benefits, but...
NY Claimant’s Failure to Disclose Gambling Activities Constitutes § 114-a Violation NY Claimant’s Failure to Disclose Gambling Activities Constitutes § 114-a ViolationObserving that in determining a claimant’s loss of wage-earning capacity, the New York Workers’ Compensation Board may consider claimant’s functional capabilities, as well as vocational issues (claimant’s age, education, training,...
“Odd-Lot”-Like Theory Works in Reverse to Limit Wage Loss Award for NY Claimant “Odd-Lot”-Like Theory Works in Reverse to Limit Wage Loss Award for NY ClaimantIn a decision that illustrates the tremendous breadth of discretion allowed to the New York Workers’ Compensation Board, a state appellate court affirmed a Board decision—in spite of findings by...
NY Board Has Broad Discretion in Reviewing § 114-a Issues NY Board Has Broad Discretion in Reviewing § 114-a IssuesIllustrating the important point that a hearing officer or judge must stick to those matters that are specifically at issue, and not wander off to determine other questions that might...
NY Court Says Law Judge Must Limit Decision to Actual Issue at Hand NY Court Says Law Judge Must Limit Decision to Actual Issue at HandA New York appellate court held that while the state’s Workers’ Compensation Board was within its discretion when it found an injured worker had violated N.Y. Workers’ Comp. Law §...
NY Claimant Should Not Have Been Permanently Barred From Indemnity Benefits NY Claimant Should Not Have Been Permanently Barred From Indemnity BenefitsObserving that in New York, the issue of voluntary retirement and/or withdrawal from the labor market were factual issues to be determined by the Board, and that the Board had...
NY Worker’s Failure to Stay in Touch With Employer Results in Finding that Worker Withdrew From Labor Market NY Worker’s Failure to Stay in Touch With Employer Results in Finding that Worker Withdrew From Labor MarketA New York appellate court affirmed a decision by the state’s Workers’ Compensation Board that found a claimant had not violated N.Y. Workers’ Comp. Law § 114-a, where various potential...
Job Application Inconsistencies Excused by NY Claimant’s Lack of Computer Skills Job Application Inconsistencies Excused by NY Claimant’s Lack of Computer SkillsFor some time now, in many states, when a worker has sustained a work-related injury requiring treatment at an emergency department or hospital, he or she typically has had two...
Opinion Mondays: NY Recreational Marijuana Law Could End Most Post-Injury Cannabis Testing Opinion Mondays: NY Recreational Marijuana Law Could End Most Post-Injury Cannabis TestingThe Court of Appeals of New York, construing N.Y. Workers’ Comp. Law § 15(4)(d), which generally limits recovery by a claimant’s estate to an amount not exceeding reasonable funeral expenses...
NY High Court Says Claimant’s Estate Due Only Portion of Posthumous SLU Award NY High Court Says Claimant’s Estate Due Only Portion of Posthumous SLU AwardStressing that under N.Y. Workers’ Comp. Law § 18, an injured employee is required to give written notice of any work-related injury to his or her employer within 30 days,...
Comp Worker’s Claim Fails Due to Untimely Report of Injury to NY Employer Comp Worker’s Claim Fails Due to Untimely Report of Injury to NY Employer