Tag: modification

Mar 17, 2020

Jury-Rigged “Safety” Mechanism Subjects NJ Employer to Substantially Certain Tort Claim

Allegations that a New Jersey company maintained an unwritten policy of avoiding the use of a lock-out, tag-out (“LOTO”) safety feature on a machine because doing so would require a...

Jury-Rigged “Safety” Mechanism Subjects NJ Employer to Substantially Certain Tort Claim Jury-Rigged “Safety” Mechanism Subjects NJ Employer to Substantially Certain Tort Claim
Nov 19, 2018

Massive Stroke After MMI Does Not Result in Loss of Nebraska PTD Benefits

Where an employee sustained work-related injuries, reached maximum medical improvement (MMI), and, based on factual findings by Nebraska’s Workers’ Compensation Court (WCC), was adjudged to be permanently and totally disabled,...

Massive Stroke After MMI Does Not Result in Loss of Nebraska PTD Benefits Massive Stroke After MMI Does Not Result in Loss of Nebraska PTD Benefits
Mar 21, 2014

Virginia Court Requires Insurer to Provide Transportation to Doctor’s Office In Spite of Fact That It Already Paid to Modify Vehicle

It is one thing to modify an injured employee’s vehicle so as to accommodate his wheelchair or scooter. It is quite another to provide the employee with necessary transportation assistance...

Virginia Court Requires Insurer to Provide Transportation to Doctor’s Office In Spite of Fact That It Already Paid to Modify Vehicle Virginia Court Requires Insurer to Provide Transportation to Doctor’s Office In Spite of Fact That It Already Paid to Modify Vehicle