The Supreme Court of Kentucky, construing the state’s agricultural employee exemption [see Ky. Rev. Stat. Ann. §§ 342.650(5) and 342.0011(18)], reversed a split decision of the state’s Court of Appeals...
KY Supreme Court Construes Agricultural Employee Exemption KY Supreme Court Construes Agricultural Employee ExemptionA number of states, including Illinois, exclude workers’ compensation coverage for some recreational injuries that are deemed by statute to be outside the course and scope of the employment [see...
IL Middle School Teacher’s Injury in Student/Faculty Basketball Game Was Compensable IL Middle School Teacher’s Injury in Student/Faculty Basketball Game Was CompensableDecision Continues Long National Trend to Treat Farm Workers on Par With Other Employees A provision of the New Mexico Workers’ Compensation Act (Act) [N.M. Stat. Ann. § 52–1–6(A) (2015)]...
New Mexico High Court Strikes Down Farm and Ranch Laborer Exclusion New Mexico High Court Strikes Down Farm and Ranch Laborer ExclusionIn Rodriguez v. Brand West Dairy, 2015 N.M. App. LEXIS 69 (June 22, 2015), a divided Court of Appeals of New Mexico recently held that the exclusion of coverage afforded...
New Mexico Court Finds State’s “Farm and Ranch Laborer” Exclusion Unconstitutional New Mexico Court Finds State’s “Farm and Ranch Laborer” Exclusion Unconstitutional