A New York appellate court affirmed a decision of the state’s Workers’ Compensation Board that held a claimant was entitled to a 7.5 percent schedule loss of use (“SLU”) of...
NY Employer Allowed 10 Percent Credit for Claimant's Prior SLU Injury to Same Leg NY Employer Allowed 10 Percent Credit for Claimant's Prior SLU Injury to Same LegA Florida appellate court recently held that a JCC erred in refusing to award temporary disability benefits to an injured worker based on the fact that the worker received “full...
Florida JCC May Not Deny TD Benefits Because Worker Received Full Pay From His Sick Leave Account Florida JCC May Not Deny TD Benefits Because Worker Received Full Pay From His Sick Leave AccountIn a deeply divided (5-4) decision, the Supreme Court of Oklahoma recently held that a provision in the state’s workers’ compensation law [Okla. Stat. tit. 85A, § 89] allowing an...
Deeply Divided Oklahoma High Court Says Reduction of PPD Allowed Where Employer Paid Full Wages During Police Officer’s Disability Period Deeply Divided Oklahoma High Court Says Reduction of PPD Allowed Where Employer Paid Full Wages During Police Officer’s Disability PeriodOverruling Dickens v. Pizza Co., Inc., 266 Kan. 1066, 1071, 974 P.2d 601 (1999), which had adopted an exception to the general rule allowing reduction in workers’ compensation benefits where...
Amendments to Social Security Act in 2000 Do Not Trump Kansas Offset Statute Amendments to Social Security Act in 2000 Do Not Trump Kansas Offset StatuteA workers’ compensation carrier, who paid benefits to an aide at a juvenile detention center who was physically assaulted, raped, and kidnapped is entitled to take a dollar-for-dollar credit against...
New York: Comp Carrier Entitled to Take Credit Against Future Benefits for Rape Victim’s Settlement Against Employer and Co-Employees New York: Comp Carrier Entitled to Take Credit Against Future Benefits for Rape Victim’s Settlement Against Employer and Co-Employees