Indicating that in New York there were two requisites for reopening a claim based on newly acquired evidence: (a) the application to reopen “must be made within a reasonable time...
NY Court: No Reopening Allowed in Established Claim re: Murdered Employee NY Court: No Reopening Allowed in Established Claim re: Murdered EmployeeIn a decision showing just how strongly the state’s workers’ compensation system separates the “arising out of” the employment component of the compensation formula from the “course of employment” component,...
Idaho Shoe Lace Causes Compensable Herniated Disc Idaho Shoe Lace Causes Compensable Herniated DiscThe exclusive remedy provision of Tex. Lab. Code Ann. § 408.001(a) does not apply to health care providers, held a Texas appellate court recently, in Hand & Wrist Center of...
Texas Exclusive Remedy Provision Does Not Apply to Health Care Providers Texas Exclusive Remedy Provision Does Not Apply to Health Care ProvidersA Tennessee Department of Commerce and Insurance ruling–later upheld by a state trial court–that a company was not liable for additional workers’ compensation insurance premiums related to the earnings of...
Tennessee: Appellate Court Says Compensation Paid to Independent Contractors Should Have Been Considered in Computing Insured’s Comp Premiums Tennessee: Appellate Court Says Compensation Paid to Independent Contractors Should Have Been Considered in Computing Insured’s Comp PremiumsConstruing La. Rev. Stat. § 23:1032, which generally provides that workers’ compensation is the exclusive remedy of an employee injured within the course and scope of the employment unless the...
US: Establishing “Substantial Certainty” in Intentional Tort Cases is Difficult US: Establishing “Substantial Certainty” in Intentional Tort Cases is DifficultReversing a decision by the state’s court of appeals, the Supreme Court of South Carolina recently held that direct evidence supported the Workers’ Compensation Commission’s original determination that a certified...
South Carolina Supreme Court Says Nurse Anesthetist Was Employee, Not Independent Contractor South Carolina Supreme Court Says Nurse Anesthetist Was Employee, Not Independent ContractorA federal district court judge ruled yesterday that nine fire department employees may maintain a civil action they had filed under the Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations [RICO] Act against...
Federal Judge in Phoenix Says RICO Case May Move Forward Federal Judge in Phoenix Says RICO Case May Move ForwardConstruing Wisconsin’s exclusive remedy defense, a federal district court recently refused to dismiss a civil action filed by a former principal against a school district alleging, among other things, intentional...
Federal Court (Wisconsin) Allows IIED Claim to Move Forward; Exclusivity Did Not Apply Since Plaintiff Was On Administrative Leave Federal Court (Wisconsin) Allows IIED Claim to Move Forward; Exclusivity Did Not Apply Since Plaintiff Was On Administrative LeaveConstruing the “traveling employee” rule, the Supreme Court of Illinois, in a divided decision, yesterday held that a worker who took a position with an employer located some 200 miles...
Illinois: Divided High Court Finds Injured Employee was Not a “Traveling Employee” Illinois: Divided High Court Finds Injured Employee was Not a “Traveling Employee”A former basketball player in the Women’s National Basketball Association, who never resided in California, played just one of her 34-game career within the state, and who suffered no specific...
Board Lacks Subject Matter Jurisdiction Where Former WBNA Player Involved in Only One Game During 34-Game Career Board Lacks Subject Matter Jurisdiction Where Former WBNA Player Involved in Only One Game During 34-Game CareerYesterday (December 16), the Supreme Court of Oklahoma rejected an initial constitutional challenge to the controversial overhaul of the state’s workers’ compensation system via Senate Bill 1062, which allows, among...
Oklahoma High Court Rejects Initial Challenge to Opt Out Law Oklahoma High Court Rejects Initial Challenge to Opt Out LawThe Supreme Court of Iowa recently held in relevant part that undocumented workers are not excluded from the Workers’ Compensation Act’s definition of “employee” and that the contract of employment...
Iowa: Undocumented Workers Are Protected by the Workers’ Compensation Act Iowa: Undocumented Workers Are Protected by the Workers’ Compensation Act