A Pittsburgh International Airport airport employee, whose job consisted of driving a luggage transport “tug,” and who sustained serious injuries when she flipped her tug as she traveled to one...
Airport Luggage Transport Driver Recovers Under Personal Comfort Doctrine Airport Luggage Transport Driver Recovers Under Personal Comfort DoctrineA locker room attendant at a Queensbury country club, who had his left testicle surgically removed following a bizarre incident in which the attendant was struck in the groin by...
“Fore”: Country Club Locker Room Attendant Struck in Groin by Golf Club Shaft May Sue Co-Employee “Fore”: Country Club Locker Room Attendant Struck in Groin by Golf Club Shaft May Sue Co-EmployeeYesterday, in a divided decision, the Supreme Court of South Carolina, overruling an earlier decision of the state’s Court of Appeals, held that evidence of subsequent employment is insufficient by...
S.C. Supreme Court Says Return to Work Insufficient to Rebut Presumption of PTD Where Impairment to Back is Greater Than 50 Percent S.C. Supreme Court Says Return to Work Insufficient to Rebut Presumption of PTD Where Impairment to Back is Greater Than 50 PercentThe Court of Appeals of Virginia recently reiterated that in order to defeat a claim for workers’ compensation benefits, it is not enough to show that an employee was intoxicated...
Virginia Employer Proves Employee Was Intoxicated, But Still Loses Case Virginia Employer Proves Employee Was Intoxicated, But Still Loses CaseWhile upholding the facial constitutionality of Colo. Rev. Stat. § 8–43–409, which provides for the imposition of fines against certain employers that fail to maintain workers’ compensation insurance, a Colorado...
$841,200 Fine Against Small Colorado Employer Was Unconstitutionally Excessive $841,200 Fine Against Small Colorado Employer Was Unconstitutionally ExcessiveReversing a decision of the state’s Court of Appeals, the Supreme Court of Georgia, in Telecom v. Burdette, 2017 Ga. LEXIS 103 (Feb. 27, 2017), held that while the mere...
Georgia Supreme Court Clarifies “Willful Misconduct” Doctrine Georgia Supreme Court Clarifies “Willful Misconduct” DoctrineThe Supreme Court of Wyoming affirmed a finding by a state district court that an injured worker failed to establish a causal connection between her 2013 need for shoulder surgery...
Wyoming Worker Fails to Connect the Dots Between Original Surgery and Subsequent Procedure to Alleviate Continued Pain Wyoming Worker Fails to Connect the Dots Between Original Surgery and Subsequent Procedure to Alleviate Continued PainAn Ohio appellate court affirmed a trial court’s finding that injuries sustained by an employee when she slipped and fell while descending a stairway as she left her employer’s HR...
Ohio Employee’s Personal Delivery of FMLA Documents Was Not in Course and Scope of Employment Ohio Employee’s Personal Delivery of FMLA Documents Was Not in Course and Scope of EmploymentNebraska Worker’s Death From Apparent Suicide is Not Compensable In a case that is heartbreaking from multiple points of view, the family of an injured Nebraska employee was denied workers’...
Like Oil & Water, Oxycodone and Xanax Don’t Mix Like Oil & Water, Oxycodone and Xanax Don’t MixA debtor’s workers’ compensation experience rating is the sort of “interest” of which the debtor’s assets can be sold free and clear, under § 363 of the U.S. Bankruptcy Code,...
NCCI May Not Impose Bankrupt Staffing Company’s Experience Rating on Purchaser in Court-Approved Sale of Assets NCCI May Not Impose Bankrupt Staffing Company’s Experience Rating on Purchaser in Court-Approved Sale of AssetsA Louisiana appellate court affirmed, in relevant part, a ruling by a state workers’ compensation judge that a worker sustained an accidental injury arising out of and in the course...
Lousiana Court Sustains Worker’s West Nile Virus Claim as Accidental Injury Lousiana Court Sustains Worker’s West Nile Virus Claim as Accidental InjuryTennessee Appeals Panel Affirms $27K Attorney’s Fee Related to $187 Medical Claim In Grissom v. UPS, 2017 Tenn. LEXIS 4 (Jan. 9, 2017), the Special Workers’ Compensation Appeals Panel of the...
Memo to Worker’ Comp Carrier: Standing on Your Rights Can Result in Scorched Feet Memo to Worker’ Comp Carrier: Standing on Your Rights Can Result in Scorched Feet