In a document published in February, the Congressional Research Service observed: “Workers’ compensation has been called a grand bargain between employers and workers … [under which] workers receive guaranteed, no-fault...
Opinion Mondays: While We’re Adjusting Our COVID-19 Masks, Is the Grand Bargain Being Altered? Opinion Mondays: While We’re Adjusting Our COVID-19 Masks, Is the Grand Bargain Being Altered?In a case in which the original work-related injury occurred two decades before the appellate decision, a Florida appellate court held that a JCC erred in focusing on a claimant's...
Florida Employee Awarded PTD Benefits 17 Years After Retirement Florida Employee Awarded PTD Benefits 17 Years After RetirementA Virginia appellate court recently affirmed a decision by the state's Workers' Compensation Commission that denied temporary partial disability benefits to an injured employee under Va. Code Ann. § 65.2-502,...
Injured VA Employee May Not Merely Accept Lowest-Paying Post-Injury Job and Recover Difference in Earnings Injured VA Employee May Not Merely Accept Lowest-Paying Post-Injury Job and Recover Difference in EarningsA New York appellate court affirmed a finding by the state’s Workers’ Compensation Board that a claimant/employee did not sustain injuries arising out of and in the course of his...
New York's "Gray Area" Rule Does Not Aid Claimant Struck by Car Near Workplace New York's "Gray Area" Rule Does Not Aid Claimant Struck by Car Near WorkplaceIn a case that provides guidance for employers and carriers who seek to rebut the special presumption of compensability provided to firefighters and certain other “covered officers” (including corrections officers)...
Florida Court Says Cardiac Presumption Favoring Corrections Officer Was Rebutted Florida Court Says Cardiac Presumption Favoring Corrections Officer Was RebuttedIn a decision not designated for publication, an appellate court from the state of Washington affirmed a jury’s determination that an injured worker was intoxicated to such an extent that...
Washington Landscaper Denied Benefits After "Blowing" Twice the Legal Limit Washington Landscaper Denied Benefits After "Blowing" Twice the Legal LimitIn a decision that discusses the complex give and take between an injured Pennsylvania employee and an employer who contends that the employee no longer is entitled to a payment...
PA Commonwealth Court Reverses ALJ's Decision Awarding Unreasonable Contest Fees PA Commonwealth Court Reverses ALJ's Decision Awarding Unreasonable Contest FeesConstruing Colorado law, a federal district court granted, in relevant part, a former employer’s motion for summary judgment in a case filed against it for retaliatory discharge [Donez v. Leprino...
Federal District Court Says Proximity of Firing to Filing Claim Was Alone Insufficient to Survive Employer’s Motion for Summary Judgment Federal District Court Says Proximity of Firing to Filing Claim Was Alone Insufficient to Survive Employer’s Motion for Summary JudgmentYesterday, a New York appellate court held that the Board's decision to preclude medical reports of two of claimant's treating physicians was appropriate in spite of the fact that the...
NY Employer/Carrier May Preclude Medical Reports Without Enforcing Subpoenas NY Employer/Carrier May Preclude Medical Reports Without Enforcing SubpoenasA New York appellate court affirmed a determination by a state Workers’ Compensation Law Judge, later upheld by New York’s Board, that disqualified a claimant from receiving future wage replacement...
NY Claimant's False Representations Lead to Disqualification from Future Benefits NY Claimant's False Representations Lead to Disqualification from Future BenefitsAcknowledging that one of the important factors to be considered in determining whether a worker is an independent contractor, rather than an employee, is whether the worker brings important “equipment”...
Idaho Court Says Bodies of Tandem Skydivers Are Not "Equipment" Idaho Court Says Bodies of Tandem Skydivers Are Not "Equipment"Construing the state’s traveling employee rules, as those rules pertain to claims for workers’ compensation benefits, a New York appellate court affirmed a decision by the state’s Workers’ Compensation Board...
NY Court Construes State’s Traveling Employee Rules and Affirms Award of Benefits NY Court Construes State’s Traveling Employee Rules and Affirms Award of Benefits