In spite of the fact that a New York employee sustained an admitted work-related injury–she was hit by falling scaffolding–and her physician offered an unrebutted medical opinion that she was...
NY Court Affirms Abandonment of Labor Market Finding in Spite of Medical Opinion as to Disability NY Court Affirms Abandonment of Labor Market Finding in Spite of Medical Opinion as to DisabilityA county firefighter, who was diagnosed with prostate cancer three years after his retirement, and who had been given a 40 percent disability rating, was entitled to PPD benefits based...
Nevada Firefighter Due PPD Benefits For Cancer Diagnosed After Retirement Nevada Firefighter Due PPD Benefits For Cancer Diagnosed After RetirementA New York appellate court affirmed a decision by the state's Workers' Compensation Board that denied death benefits to a widow whose husband, a former correction officer, died in 2016,...
NY Widow's Death Benefits Claim Filed 12 Years After Work Cessation Not Supported By Medical Evidence NY Widow's Death Benefits Claim Filed 12 Years After Work Cessation Not Supported By Medical EvidenceA New York appellate court held the state's Workers' Compensation Board did not abuse its discretion in awarding counsel fees of $1,000 to the law firm representing an injured worker...
NY Law Firm Requests $52K in Fees, Gets $1K For Failure to Submit Proper Form NY Law Firm Requests $52K in Fees, Gets $1K For Failure to Submit Proper FormWhere a claimant had applied for a position with the purported employer, had been advised by that employer to attend an unpaid “orientation” and a paid training day, had arrived...
Oregon Claimant’s Injury During Unpaid Orientation Session is Compensable Oregon Claimant’s Injury During Unpaid Orientation Session is CompensableA New York appellate court affirmed a decision of the state’s Workers’ Compensation Board that held a claimant was entitled to a 7.5 percent schedule loss of use (“SLU”) of...
NY Employer Allowed 10 Percent Credit for Claimant's Prior SLU Injury to Same Leg NY Employer Allowed 10 Percent Credit for Claimant's Prior SLU Injury to Same LegReiterating New York’s adherence to an objective, rather than a subjective standard with regard to stress-related claims, a state appellate court affirmed a determination by the state’s Workers’ Compensation Board...
Correctional Officer's PTSD Claim Fails under NY's Objective Standard of Stress Correctional Officer's PTSD Claim Fails under NY's Objective Standard of StressThe Supreme Court of Illinois reversed a decision of the Appellate Court, Workers’ Compensation Division, that in turn had affirmed a denial of benefits to a restaurant sous-chef who sustained...
Illinois Supreme Court Clarifies Rule Regarding Injuries Stemming From Common Bodily Movements Illinois Supreme Court Clarifies Rule Regarding Injuries Stemming From Common Bodily MovementsThe Supreme Court of Wyoming held a state district court did not err when it rejected a determination by Office of Administrative Hearings that a worker’s claim for a work-related...
Wyoming Claim Involving Flesh-Eating Bacteria Not Barred by "Communicable Disease Exclusion" Wyoming Claim Involving Flesh-Eating Bacteria Not Barred by "Communicable Disease Exclusion"The Supreme Court of Kentucky, affirming an earlier decision by the state's Court of Appeals, held a widow was entitled to statutory income benefits under KRS 342.750(1)(a), in spite of...
KY Widow Awarded Benefits For Husband's Death More than 10 Years After Injury KY Widow Awarded Benefits For Husband's Death More than 10 Years After InjuryThe Supreme Court of Oklahoma, reversing a trial court's decision that had, pursuant to 12 O.S. 2011 §§1053A, granted summary judgment, in relevant part, to an employer sued in a...
Oklahoma High Court Strikes Down Exclusive Remedy Rule for Non-Dependent Parents Oklahoma High Court Strikes Down Exclusive Remedy Rule for Non-Dependent ParentsFalling in line with several federal decisions that had earlier ruled on the issue, an Illinois appellate court held the exclusive remedy provisions of the state’s Workers’ Compensation Act do...
Illinois Court Says Action for Statutory Damages Under Biometric Act Not Barred by Exclusivity Illinois Court Says Action for Statutory Damages Under Biometric Act Not Barred by Exclusivity