The Court of Appeals of South Carolina reversed, in part, a decision by the state’s Workers’ Compensation Appellate Panel that had found an injured roofer was an independent contractor—and not...
Self-Employed SC Roofer May Have Been Roofing Co.’s Employee Self-Employed SC Roofer May Have Been Roofing Co.’s EmployeeA Mississippi appellate court affirmed a decision by the state’s Workers’ Compensation Commission that denied—without a hearing—an injured worker’s petition to settle and close out the medical portion of his...
MS Court Affirms Denial of Quadriplegic’s Settlement Agreement MS Court Affirms Denial of Quadriplegic’s Settlement AgreementA Colorado appellate court affirmed the imposition of a $750 penalty for each of eight instances in which a hospital sent invoices to a worker who had sustained work-related injuries...
Colorado Hospital’s Action in Billing Claimant for Medical Services Warranted Penalty, But Not as a “Continuing” Offense Colorado Hospital’s Action in Billing Claimant for Medical Services Warranted Penalty, But Not as a “Continuing” OffenseIn a relatively unusual move, the Appellate Division of the Supreme Court of New York (Third Department) vacated its October 8, 2020 decision [reported at 187 A.D.3d 1297, 132 N.Y.S.3d...
NY Law Firm’s $52K Fee Request Will be Reconsidered by Board NY Law Firm’s $52K Fee Request Will be Reconsidered by BoardA New York appellate court affirmed a trial court’s order granting an employer’s motion for summary judgment in a case in which a former employee—a grave digger—contended he had sustained...
NY Grave Digger’s Intentional Distress Claim Fails NY Grave Digger’s Intentional Distress Claim FailsA New York appellate court affirmed a trial court’s decision denying that portion of an employer/third-party defendant’s motion seeking dismissal of a contractual indemnification claim filed against it by a...
NY Court Examines Applicability of Back-Dated Indemnification Agreement NY Court Examines Applicability of Back-Dated Indemnification AgreementA New York appellate court affirmed a trial court’s determination that there were issues of fact as to whether a defendant was the special employee of plaintiff’s employer so as...
NY Jury Must Consider Whether Defendant was Special Employee Entitled to Exclusive Remedy Defense NY Jury Must Consider Whether Defendant was Special Employee Entitled to Exclusive Remedy DefenseThe Supreme Court of New Jersey, examining the intersection between the state’s Worker’s Compensation Act (WCA) and its Law Against Discrimination (LAD), held that a teacher’s LAD claim alleging that...
Action Filed Under NJ’s Discrimination Law Not Barred by Exclusive Remedy Rule Action Filed Under NJ’s Discrimination Law Not Barred by Exclusive Remedy RuleApplying Alabama’s intentional injury exception to the exclusive remedy rule, the Supreme Court of Alabama affirmed a trial court’s decision granting two co-employee defendants summary judgment in a civil action...
Intentional Injury Action Against Co-Employees Fails Under Alabama’s Substantially Certain Rule Intentional Injury Action Against Co-Employees Fails Under Alabama’s Substantially Certain RuleConstruing the state’s special statute limiting the compensability of heart attacks, stroke, and physical injury caused by mental stimulus, a divided Supreme Court of North Dakota reversed an ALJ’s decision...
ND High Court Stresses That Heart Attacks Only Compensable When Caused by Unusual Stress ND High Court Stresses That Heart Attacks Only Compensable When Caused by Unusual StressShowing just how serious New York courts take the issue of ex parte communications between counsel and medical experts, a New York appellate court recently affirmed an order by the...
Ex Parte Communications Sink NY Death Benefits Claim Ex Parte Communications Sink NY Death Benefits ClaimA New York appellate court affirmed a decision by the state’s Workers’ Compensation Board that not only imposed the mandatory penalty rescinding the claimant’s award of workers’ compensation benefits, but...
NY Claimant’s Failure to Disclose Gambling Activities Constitutes § 114-a Violation NY Claimant’s Failure to Disclose Gambling Activities Constitutes § 114-a Violation