Analysis and commentary from "seasoned" legal writer, Thomas A. Robinson, J.D., co-author of Larson's Workers' Compensation Law (LexisNexis, 17 vols.)
At least 10 articles each month, providing analysis and commentary regarding important recent cases and workers’ compensation legislation
Plus a special monthly topical “Issue Commentary,” containing multi-jurisdictional analysis and expert commentary
Pre-December 2022 content is freely available to subscribers and non-subscribers alike
The Arkansas Court of Appeals has reversed a workers’ compensation award for permanent impairment related to atrial fibrillation that developed following a COVID-19 infection [Booneville Hum. Dev. Ctr. v. Foster,...
Arkansas Court Reverses Permanent Benefits Award for COVID-Related Heart Condition Arkansas Court Reverses Permanent Benefits Award for COVID-Related Heart ConditionA general contractor that contractually required its subcontractors to maintain workers’ compensation insurance is immune from tort liability, even when sued by a corporate officer of the subcontractor who had...
MS High Court: Contractor Immune From Tort Claim Filed By Subcontractor’s Officer Who Opted Out of Comp Coverage MS High Court: Contractor Immune From Tort Claim Filed By Subcontractor’s Officer Who Opted Out of Comp CoverageA divided Ohio Supreme Court has held that a workers’ compensation claimant who prevails at trial may file a motion for appellate attorney fees after obtaining a favorable appellate decision,...
Ohio Supreme Court: Motions for Attorney Fees May Be Filed at any Time Ohio Supreme Court: Motions for Attorney Fees May Be Filed at any TimeAdding to the growing body of COVID-19 workers’ compensation jurisprudence, in a memorandum decision, West Virginia’s Intermediate Court of Appeals has affirmed the denial of additional medical conditions allegedly stemming...
West Virginia University Employee’s Long COVID Claim Denied West Virginia University Employee’s Long COVID Claim Denied